Inno-UP coordinator Technologiecampus at University of Potsdam
Andreas Bergner studied geology and conducted research on paleo-climatology at the University of Potsdam, at CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence/France, and the University of California Berkeley, USA. Between 2006 to 2018, he has been employed as a project coordinator for larger-scale R&D projects and international training programs in the area of Earth and Environmental sciences at University of Potsdam. His work brought him to longer-time stays in Turkey, France and Argentina. He has helped to raise projects with funding from DFG, BMBF, BMWi and EU in the order of ~40 Mio EUR. The main focus of his work is cooperation with industry and developing innovative R&D projects. Since 2018, he signs responsible for the set-up of new Joint lab collaborations in the realm of the project “Innovative University Potsdam”.
Partner Session
AR/VR in science-based vocational training