Business Development Manager at Epic Games / Unreal Film/TV division
Ben Lumsden is a business leader in media and entertainment at Epic Games. Since 2017 Ben has focussed on the ever-expanding use of Unreal Engine within the sectors of film, TV, live events and animation. Ben started working with motion capture in Canada, on films District 9 and Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and games Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Dead Rising 3.
Ben returned to the UK to join Andy Serkis at The Imaginarium Studios, where he was responsible for the performance capture service business. His various credits here included Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Godzilla and the game Star Citizen. He was instrumental in bringing to life the creative technology in The Tempest with the Royal Shakespeare Company, in which the character Ariel puppeteered a live avatar on stage, rendered in real-time in Unreal engine.
The Games Engine Goes Mainstream