Project Manager at the Immersive Media & Communication Group of Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin
Paul Chojecki is a psychologist and works since 2006 at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, where he represents the area of contact-free human-computer interaction. As project manager he drives R&D activities, develops and manages projects for international clients in various industries such as automotive, medical, telecommunications and digital out of home. Paul is an expert in the fields of human-computer interaction (HCI), usability engineering, innovation management and research marketing. His R&D focus is on new ways of HCI, especially computer vision-based contact-free, gestural interaction. One of his current projects is called smart care unit control room. The objective is to develop a 'Proxemic Bedside Monitor' which allows multimodal interaction and adaptive information visualisation at intensive care units.
Since 2008 Paul is general-chair of the World Usability Day Berlin. He and the honorary team evolved this event to one of the largest usability and user experience conferences in Europe.
Paul Chojecki received the Dipl.-Psych. degree in psychology from University Bielefeld, Germany in 2006. During his studies he was working on usability, software ergonomics and usable web design. In addition to his academic studies he was working as a web frontend developer at fractales GmbH Gütersloh, which is today part of Publicis Pixelpark GmbH.
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