Chief Surgeon at Abu Dhabi Hospital and Expert for Global Medical Solutions
With a wide experience as a multi-award winning Surgeon Scientist with a National and International Scientific track record in surgery and computer science, Simon Grange has established new areas of research and development, bringing the scientific discipline to the delivery of the software services and has experience of working with facilities in 15 countries. He has around 100 publications, two books, a PhD and many International presentations as well as a patent for AI technologies to his name.
His previous experience as a pilot and in surgical simulation has led to a firm grasp of the necessary situational awareness for modelling the entire ecosystem so as to influence and steer strategy, bringing the value of AI resources to bear.
His personal ambition is to see a more collaborative approach to business. This has led to establishing Pale Blue Dot Network Ltd.(UK) and now Pale Blue Dot Ltd. at ADGM. By developing the underlying blockchain based Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) with appropriate software to manage FinTech, EdTech and HealthTech applications, the aim is to develop a community for those with little or no initial resource, and to enhance their skills through training opportunities via the Pale Blue Dot Life CSR services.
Pandemics & Other Health Crises: The Tech Factor